Monthly Archives: January 2016


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Symfony3 Auto Wiring – Auto Creating Dependency Services

Permanent Link to Symfony3 Auto Wiring – Auto Creating Dependency Services

Previously if you ever had dependency for your object, you had to make sure the names for dependency services are correctly passed down to your new service before you can start using it. Since Symfony 2.8 which is official exact version of Symfony 3 (removing all the deprecated functions). Now you can create services without […]


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Change input name of the form fields in Symfony3

Permanent Link to Change input name of the form fields in Symfony3

Remove form type name from the form Sometimes we need to integrate third party application or form, which requires us to remove any array type form names.  Problem Normal form will create FormTypeName[fieldName] <input type=”text” value=”” name=”formTypeName[fieldName]”> Our final outcome should look like field name only without any form type name. <input type=”text” value=”” name=”fieldName”> […]


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Symfony3 Container Dependency Injection

Permanent Link to Symfony3 Container Dependency Injection

It’s 2016, you can use trait which will help you extend same class with multiple libraries. I keep seeing container class get extended into another class, which then extends to another, before you know it you have extended 5 different classes just to use libraries. What if you can include 5 different libraries into 1 object without extending? […]

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