Monthly Archives: December 2008


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Google I/O 2008 – OpenSocial, OpenID, and OAuth: Oh, My!

Permanent Link to Google I/O 2008 – OpenSocial, OpenID, and OAuth: Oh, My!

OpenSocial, OpenID, and OAuth: Oh, My! Joseph Smarr (Plaxo) A number of emerging technologies will soon collectively enable an open social web in which users control their information and it can flow between multiple sites and services. OpenID, OAuth, microformats, OpenSocial, the Social Graph API, friends-list portability, and more will be discussed, as well as […]


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Android’s 10 Most Exciting Apps

Permanent Link to Android’s 10 Most Exciting Apps

Amid the iPhone 3G launch hysteria, we made a pronouncement that, looking back now long after the dust has settled, pretty well nailed it: forget hardware, it’s code that counts. Code via the juggernaut that is the App Store, which allowed the iPhone to truly came into its own as a mobile platform. Now, our […]

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