Tagged in:sonata, sonata-admin, sonataAdminBundle, symfony, symfony2Comments:

Post (parent) to display comments (child) list. Creating list of rows on sonata admin bundle is fairly easily with there documentation. But when you want to go bit advance on creating sub list of parent entity, then you would be scratching your head. Luckily this post will help you overcome this very easily. Assuming you already have PostAdmin and […]
Tagged in:Comments:

Simply use angular2 pipe slice by appending at the end of array. <li *ngFor=”#user of users | slice:1″> {{ user.name }} is {{ user.age }} years old. </li>
Tagged in:bundle, symfony, symfony2, symfony3, upgrade, upgradingComments:

Everyone is excited about Symfony 3, including myself 🙂 Symfony 3 or Symfony 2? Symfony 2.8 is exactly same as Symfony 3. But wait, then what’s the difference? Symfony 3 mostly have new directory structure for logs, cache and console. Also all the previous deprecated functions are removed. Should I upgrade then, if its same? […]
Tagged in:Comments:

It’s 2016, you can use trait which will help you extend same class with multiple libraries. I keep seeing container class get extended into another class, which then extends to another, before you know it you have extended 5 different classes just to use libraries. What if you can include 5 different libraries into 1 object without extending? […]
Tagged in:environment, git, github, github.com, Php, project, respository, serverComments:

We will cover UAT and Live environments and exclude developer environment. DEV environment for developer to code and test, before he push his commits to remote repository (github.com), which will be auto deploy to UAT environment for everyone to test with other developers changes. Note – we wont be covering DEV environment. UAT environment for […]
Tagged in:code, fix, html, parsing, Php, wordpressComments:

It’s really annoying and waste loads of hours trying to fix how can one show example of php code, while still use visual editor for quick snapshots or fancy tools of tinyMCE and able to show color coding examples using google prettify.
Tagged in:design, images, jquery designComments:

Image galleries, sliders and slideshows have become increasingly popular within webpages over the last year or so, and with jQuery becoming ever more popular, more and more developers have been creating these amazing powerful, versatile and sleek galleries. Thank you jQuery. Below you will the most powerful, the most creative and most versatile of jQuery […]
Tagged in:api, LearnComments:

What is REST? REST is an architectural style, or set of conventions, for web applications and services that centers itself around resource manipulation and the HTTP spec. Web apps have traditionally ignored the HTTP spec and moved forward using a subset of the protocol: GET and POST, 200 OKs and 404 NOT FOUNDs. As we […]
Tagged in:api, google, oAuth, openID, OpenSocialComments:

OpenSocial, OpenID, and OAuth: Oh, My! Joseph Smarr (Plaxo) A number of emerging technologies will soon collectively enable an open social web in which users control their information and it can flow between multiple sites and services. OpenID, OAuth, microformats, OpenSocial, the Social Graph API, friends-list portability, and more will be discussed, as well as […]
Tagged in:apps, ideas, InspiringComments:

Amid the iPhone 3G launch hysteria, we made a pronouncement that, looking back now long after the dust has settled, pretty well nailed it: forget hardware, it’s code that counts. Code via the juggernaut that is the App Store, which allowed the iPhone to truly came into its own as a mobile platform. Now, our […]